Monday, April 20, 2009

Almost Time!

Yesterday was our last Sunday going to church at Southbridge Fellowship. In fact, we're realizing that this week will be full of "lasts." Two weeks ago, Cari and I met an extremely friendly couple at church who we talked to about our potential move for quite a while. They shared their stories of their past with us, how they've traveled all around the U.S. during their lifetime and how they've made life-long friends all over the place. We believe God definitely put them in our lives to be an encouragement to us and to our difficult decision. We saw them again yesterday, and they were so excited to hear about our decision and said they had been praying for us constantly since they met us. God just continues to amaze Cari and me by the people He places in our lives and the encouragement He provides through others.

The packing is going well, although our apartment is in shambles and it doesn't look like much has been packed. Wednesday is the big "load-up-the-truck" party...friends, family, pizza, hard know, all the fun stuff. We're so blessed to have family and friends that are willing to help, and we definitely could not do any of this without them. After packing the truck Wednesday evening and Thursday if needed, we'll spend the night at my parent's house where Cari's parents will meet us. On Friday morning, we'll get up early, say our teary goodbyes, and hit the road. We can't believe we'll be in New Mexico in less than a week!! Thanks again for everyone's prayers and help...I'll try to post to this as soon as possible after we arrive in Albuquerque!

1 comment:

  1. Dan and Cari,

    Good luck with the move, we will miss you guys, we will definetly keep you guys in Prayers during this time of transition. Hope everything with the new job works well. You guys let us know when you get back this way, we would love to get together.

