Hi everyone! It's been several days since I've posted here, and I'm sure you all are disappointed because I know you check it constantly! Anyways, Cari and I are here at our new home in Albuquerque, and I feel like there is quite a bit to update you all on since we left. I'll try to keep it short, but no promises.
We left Friday morning early and made it about 5 miles before pulling off the interstate due to the "check engine light" coming on in the moving truck. After a quick call to Penske, we were informed it may be an oxygen sensor and should go off upon filling the truck with gas. It did. We made it all the way to Memphis on day 1...a total of about 15 hours altogether, including stops. Belle (our dog) did well, mainly sleeping in the back of the Trailblazer most of the way.
Day 2 was a little more interesting. The goal was to get to Elk City (western Oklahoma). We stopped in Oklahoma City for dinner, and noticed some dark clouds to the west when we finished and were preparing to leave. After some calls to friends/family for a weather radar check, we thought we could make it and headed out. As night fell, it started to get worse. Although it wasn't raining, the lightening surrounding the interstate was INCREDIBLE. Eventually, the rain started and we pulled off into a gas station. Over the next 45 minutes, the wind/rain picked up, we learned there was tornadic activity nearby, learned of a tornado northeast of our location, met some locals who educated us on tornadoes and what to do, saw quarter-size hail, and had a dead battery. Whew! Things cleared up and we finally made it to our hotel much later than expected.
Day 3 driving was pretty straight-forward. It was incredible to see how the terrain changed so quickly from green to greenish-brown to desert. We made it to Albuquerque around 4:30 and signed the lease on our new apartment. Luckily, we have some great friends here (Preston and Laurel) who mustered their friends and we had the moving truck unloaded in 40 minutes flat. Granted, there was no room left in our small apartment so we went to Laurel's parents for dinner and to stay overnight.
Since we've been here, I've been in training for work everyday (and will be for the next five weeks) and Cari has been working diligently on the apartment. I think we'll be successful at fitting everything in here, it's just a matter of time and patience in unpacking. I think that's all for now...thanks again to everyone who helped us load up and to everyone who helped us unload...we couldn't have done it without you. Also, special thanks to my dad, who drove the ENTIRE way in the moving truck and has devoted his past week to helping us. We love you all and miss everyone and will update this constantly.
Yesterday was our last Sunday going to church at Southbridge Fellowship. In fact, we're realizing that this week will be full of "lasts." Two weeks ago, Cari and I met an extremely friendly couple at church who we talked to about our potential move for quite a while. They shared their stories of their past with us, how they've traveled all around the U.S. during their lifetime and how they've made life-long friends all over the place. We believe God definitely put them in our lives to be an encouragement to us and to our difficult decision. We saw them again yesterday, and they were so excited to hear about our decision and said they had been praying for us constantly since they met us. God just continues to amaze Cari and me by the people He places in our lives and the encouragement He provides through others.
The packing is going well, although our apartment is in shambles and it doesn't look like much has been packed. Wednesday is the big "load-up-the-truck" party...friends, family, pizza, hard labor...you know, all the fun stuff. We're so blessed to have family and friends that are willing to help, and we definitely could not do any of this without them. After packing the truck Wednesday evening and Thursday if needed, we'll spend the night at my parent's house where Cari's parents will meet us. On Friday morning, we'll get up early, say our teary goodbyes, and hit the road. We can't believe we'll be in New Mexico in less than a week!! Thanks again for everyone's prayers and help...I'll try to post to this as soon as possible after we arrive in Albuquerque!
Friends and Family-
If you're reading this, I suppose it means you are somewhat interested in what has been happening with Cari and me over the past few weeks. As of Thursday, April 9th, we have officially decided to move out to Albuquerque, New Mexico. We will be moving Friday, April 24th. As most of you know, I lost my job with Fidelity Investments at the beginning of February due to the recent economic downturn and the need for a reduction in force. I have been actively looking for a job since then, and after hundreds of resume submissions and very little interest from employers, I was given the option to come out to Albuquerque for an interview. The position was with Fidelity's Health and Welfare division as a Client Service Analyst. I've always been interested in the analytical side of the financial services business, so this seemed to be a good opportunity.
Cari and I traveled to ABQ (on our own dime) for the interview. The interview went well, but neither of us really liked the city itself. Luckily we have a couple friends who live out there, and they were extremely hospitable (showed us around, went to lunch, looked at apartments). To make a long story short, I was offered the position with Fidelity and after a potential opportunity with BB&T bank didn't work out, we accepted the offer.
We will both miss our friends and family on the east coast a great deal, but after much prayer and long (sometimes emotional) conversations, we feel as though this is where God is leading us. We're not sure why yet, but we're praying that He reveals His purpose and will for us in His perfect timing. What incredible rest and peace we can find in that! We'll miss the trees/grass (it's all red and brown out there), and I'm still not sure what I'll do without being able to catch every single Panthers, Hurricanes and Tarheels game on TV. However, I feel as though this is a great opportunity for us for my long-term career path interests. Cari hopes to find a teaching job once we get out there and get settled, and we're praying God provides something for her and uses her just as much, if not more, as He's used her here in Raleigh.
That's enough for now! Sorry for the novel, but those of you who know me know that I'm a little long-winded when it comes to writing and emails. We are starting the packing process and are trying to get excited about this new adventure, but I'll try and keep everyone updated through this blog regarding our moving experience, life in New Mexico, etc. Feel free to check back often for new posts and hopefully we'll get some pictures online too. Also, we're excited to have some visitors, so we won't discourage you booking plane tickets now!!! Thanks for everyone's prayers and support. We want you all to know that God has certainly provided, as we've been asking Him to do, and we are excited for what He has planned for our lives in New Mexico!