Sunday, May 10, 2009

Time for Visitors!

Hola! Hope everyone is doing well back home. Things are going pretty well out in New Mexico. We've experienced a little bit more of the culture, so I figured it was time for another post. Cari and I are continuing to get settled in to our small apartment. Besides pictures on the walls, everything else has pretty much found it's place. My job is going well...only four more weeks of in-class training! I'm meeting some really nice people and am excited about the team of analysts I'll be officially working with. We are praying that God provides something for Cari soon, as she's ready to get back into the classroom and be around people. Belle keeps her company during the day, but a dog that doesn't talk back only goes so far.

So the moment we were all waiting for has finally come...Cari and I went out to eat at an authentic local New Mexican restaurant!! It's called El Pinto (you can check it out online), and it was delicious! For those of you who don't know, the main difference between Mexican and New Mexican food (so I'm told) is that the latter is cooked with chilis (red or green). I had chicken enchiladas smothered in spicy green chile and Cari had tostadas. It was a great first local cuisine experience, and we can't wait for some visitors to take there (hint hint).

We've also visited a couple churches the past two weeks, Grace Church (with Preston and Laurel) and City on a Hill in downtown Albuquerque near the university. Both were very different, and we enjoyed certain things about each one but think we'll continue to search for something that fits our needs and where we can serve. We're definintely excited about getting involved somewhere and meeting some more people as soon as possible.

I think that's it for now...hope everyone is doing great, and feel free to come on out and visit whenever. The weather is phenominal here, and we're excited about showing you all around. Also, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY MOM!! We love you guys!

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